Morgan Freeman Text To Speech Download

Feel free to use the generated audio for any of your projects (commercial or personal). It's free! Hope it's useful for you :)

This online tool generates a computer voice WAV file from the text that you enter in the box above. After you've allowed the program to load, type some text in the box and then click 'Speak'. A download button will appear below the 'Speak' button once you have clicked it.

The voice is generated using a JavaScript port of eSpeak, a speech synthesiser library that was developed in 1995. The port was done by @kripken. So thanks to him, we are able to generate a voice file online, in your browser!

Not everyone has that amazing voiceover voice like Morgan Freeman, but with Speechelo, you get a human-sounding voice that sounds just as good. Best of all, you can transform any text you want, pick from 30 different voices both male and female, and create voiceovers in more than 23 languages. Morgan Freeman Soundboard Share Collapse Notice: Many browsers are beginning to disable or hide the Adobe Flash plugin, in preparation for its end-of-life in December 2020.

eSpeak uses a method known as 'formant synthesis' to generate the sounds. This means that all syllables are computationally generated and not pre-recorded from a human voice. This gives it a distinctive '1995 computer voice', and it means that you can get it to say almost anything. Though, if you string enough consonants together it might give up and just 'spell' the word instead of trying to say it. If you give it syllables that have consonants and vowels, then it should pronounce them without too much trouble.

Morgan Freeman Text To Speech Download Free

  1. You'd need a lot of common bone structure just to get close. After that, you need to have similar acting experience as Mr. The reason this is, is.
  2. This is an excerpt from my Video Genesis Workshop webinar bonus - Please watch: 'Camtas.
  3. If for some reason you haven’t already, you can download Waze here, and switch to Freeman by going to the Settings in the app, then Sound Voice Language Morgan Freeman.Enjoy!
  4. Step 2/2: Open AV Voice Changer Software Diamond 9.0 program then: On the right panel, make sure that the program status is ON; Move the pointer (1) on the Pitch-Timbre Voice Morpher graph to change the basic characteristics of voice as long as your voice sound like Morgan Freeman's voice most (Say hello to test every pointer changed).
  5. After you've allowed the program to load, type some text in the box and then click 'Speak'. A download button will appear below the 'Speak' button once you have clicked it. The voice is generated using a JavaScript port of eSpeak, a speech synthesiser library that was developed in 1995. The port was done by @kripken. So thanks to him, we are.

If you're interested, the general text to speech (TTS) pipe-line is as follows:

So basically, the text is broken down into words, then the words are broken down into phonemes (audibly distinct units of sound in a language), and then these phonemes are converted into the actual wave-forms via a means which depends on the system.

Morgan freeman text to speech download free

As mentioned above, the alternative to formant synthesis is where the syllables (or even strings of commonly adjacent syllables) are pre-recorded and then joined together to create words. This method is is useful in some circumstances, but since the recorded sounds cannot be easily augmented, there is little that can be done to fix incorrect emphasis and inflection in words and sentences.

For those of you who are old enough, you may remember 'Microsoft Sam', the artificial speech which was a part of the Windows operating system. If this simple online generator goes even halfway to giving you some nostalgia for all those hours you wasted getting Sam to say silly things in IT class, then my work here is done.

If you've got any suggestions for this generator, please put them in the comments! Thanks :)

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Morgan Freeman Text To Speech Download Mac

Morgan Freeman (born June 1, 1937) is an American actor, film director, and narrator. Freeman has received Academy Award nominations for his performances in Street Smart, Driving Miss Daisy, The Shawshank Redemption and Invictus, and won the Best Supporting Actor Oscar in 2005 for Million Dollar Baby. He has also won a Golden Globe Award and a Screen Actors Guild Award. Freeman has appeared in many other box office hits. He is known for his distinctively smooth, deep voice.

By using Voice Changer Software Diamond 8.0 (VCSD8), you can own his special voice easily.

Click on the steps below to startExpand all Collapse all

-Run VSCD8 >> Turn on Voice Morpher by clicking on Voice Morpher icon (1) or click On button (2).

-Move the Pitch-Timbre pointer (3) on the Morpher graph to change your voice. Because of the difference of each voice, it would be better that you try to increase or decrease pitch and timbre parameter before deciding what is most like Morgan's. In my opinion, adjusting Pitch at 72% and Timbre at 109% like below image will make your voice sound most like Morgan's.

-Then, adjust the Advanced Tune slider (4) to improve the quality of the output. My personal choice is 49%.

-In Equalizer module at the bottom of main panel, click on Preset button (1) >> Choose Superbass (2).

-Click on Voice Effects icon (1) >> Click on Turn On/Off Effects button (2) to activate effect.

-Check on Radio (in Band Pass Filter folder) and Bass Cut (in Band Reject Filter folder) to activate them. Now you are ready to talk like Morgan Freeman.

-Click on Save button (1) >> Choose the location where the file will be saved >> Click Save button (2).

-Click here to learn how to load your pre-saved nickvoice.

- For sample Morgan Freeman nickvoice, click here.

Morgan Freeman Text To Speech Download Software

-To learn how to use your nickvoice, click here.

Morgan Freeman Text To Speech Download Mp3

Office tab 13.10 serial key. -For more free nickvoices, click here.