Automated Lip Reading Software

Voice-O-Matic (Maya Edition) is a powerful, easy-to-use plug-in which automates the lip synchronization process for your animated CG characters directly in Autodesk Maya. Simply feed a recorded audio file to Voice-O-Matic and it will automatically generate timing and lip position data for your characters.

  1. Automated Lip Reading Software Examples
  2. Automated Lip Reading Software Reviews
  3. Automated Lip Reading Software Pdf


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    Advancements in recurrent networks, such as LSTM, have provided improvements in audio and natural language processing, enabling increased automatic translation, speech to text, sentiment analysis, context understanding and more.

Automated Lip Reading Software Examples

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  1. As Ankur mentions in his answer, this appears to be still an active area of research - found just one of the implementations posted on Github. Code for the best model Lipnet, is not available.
  2. New lip-reading technology developed at the University of East Anglia (UEA) could help in solving crimes and provide communication assistance for people with hearing and speech impairments.
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Automated Lip Reading Software Reviews

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Meet The Team

Machine Learning Consultant

Peter has been into neural networks since he was 17. He founded a start-up for automatic lip reading from video and has been a passionate Machine Learning Consultant for more than 4 years.

R&D team leader and software engineer

Computer science MSc led and managed a team of senior software developers. Daniel's team has researched, designed and developed innovative and high-quality cybersecurity systems

Software Developer and Reverse-engineer

Tal is a rockstar engineer who has worked on low-level projects, including research, software development and system design

Customer Reviews

Here’s what our customers are saying about working with us:

Abelians team helped us meet an important fast deadline with a mission critical project of 3D modelling and deep learning. Peter also provided guidance, strategic consulting and product planning around machine learning technologies. We were greatly impressed with the delivery, professionalism, technical abilities and communication skills Peter and his team brought.
Peter is a most resourceful data scientist. He understands the client needs by translating data and insight toward real and actual answers. Peter really gets to know his data and draws meaningful and valuable insights from it. Peter masters and experienced in lots of machine learning, statistical inference and data analysis models and methods.
Abelians built an end-to-end data acquisition and machine learning pipeline to monitor and recognize heavy machinery operational status and alert in case of a fault. Abelians designed and implemented a flexible and effecient system that could easily be adopted to any of the client' requirements and help us meet deadlines. They are a highly professional and capable team which exceeded our expectations.
Update Date: Mar 18, 2017 10:57 PM EDT

Get to know more about Lip Reading Technology. Frank Hubner is the man behind Automated Lip Reading (ALR). Here's more details about it.

For human lip-readers, context is essential in interpreting messages displaced of the full difference of their audio cues. But a technology model for lip-reading has been bestowed to be capable of interpreting mouthed words .

Automated Lip Reading Software Pdf

Oxford University Has Its Own Lip Reading Technology

Experts at Oxford announced that they've created an artificial intelligence system that can lip-read better than individuals. 'Watch, Attend and Spell', as the software has been designated, can now watch the soundless conversation and get about 50% of the words accurate.

That may not sound too remarkable - but when the researchers provided the same clips to trained lip-readers, they got only 12% of words right, as reported by BBC.

What More Can We Expect From This Lip Reading Technology?

The terms of lip-reading efficiency fluctuates, but one thing's for certain: it is far from an excellent method of interpreting speech. In an earlier report, Oxford computer specialists stated that on average, hearing-impaired lip-readers can obtain 52.3 percent efficiency. Meanwhile, experts from Georgia Tech suppose that only 30 percent of any speech is noticeable on the lips, according to a report from News Atlas.

Whatever the instance, this software can automate the responsibility and/or increase its efficiency and could have a prominent influence on the lives of the hearing impaired. This new lip-reading technology would be capable of enhancing the efficiency and speed of speech-to-text particularly in vociferous surroundings and we support additional research in this range and look forward to recognizing new progressions being made, said Jesal Vishnuram, Technology Research Manager of the British charity Action on Hearing Loss.

Stay tuned for further updates about this amazing technology that can be a beneficial device for people, especially those who have difficulty in hearing.

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